The Norris Files: September 2011


Mt Edwards

Mt. Edwards is located in the Moogerah Peaks National Park. Its conical shaped peak rises up from the Cunningham Highway. The walk to the summit started with a stroll across the Moogerah Lake dam wall before I followed a rough track that zigzaged steeply uphill alongside Reynolds Creek Gorge. Passing a rocky slab and an exposed rocky outcrop I reached Gorge Lookout which provided views to Little Mt Edwards and the scars etched out of its face from water course erosion, Reynolds Gorge and Reynolds Creek, in which I am reliably informed, is home to the platypus!

Leaving the lookout the track becomes less distinct and climbs steeply over numerous stone steps. This part of the mountain has been affected by bush fires in recent years and the regrowth is dominated by hoop pines , eucalypt and grass trees. The track then almost levelled out as it lead North West initially then veered abruptly to the right for the final climb to the summit.

Two hours after leaving the car I reached the summit which is declared by a brass Survey Office of Queensland permanent marker. The south easterly views from the summit extend down to Reynolds Creek and across to the steep cliffs of Frog Buttress and the prominent flat top of Mt French. Further north the view below stretched out across a chequerboard mosaic of farming land while on the horizon the ‘skyscrapers’ of Brisbane were vaguely visible through the heat haze. A short track lead around to the West and offered some foliage impeded views towards the Great Dividing Range.

The descent via the same route took about an hour and was easy despite my complaining knees. The reward for that effort was lunch at the Sugar Loaf Bakery in Boonah. Superb pies and cream buns made with real cream!