Today, I traveled down to Springbrook to walk the Warrie Circuit which is part of the World Heritage-listed Gondwana Rainforests of Australia. Unfortunately, 150 metres into the walk my feet went from under me on slippery moss covered rock and I slammed down onto my back, completely winding me. My back pack, thankfully saved the back of my head from slamming onto the rock and most likely a more serious injury.
Regaining my breath and checking nothing was broken I noticed that the lens on my camera was now bent at 45 degrees. Fortunately, I managed to straighten it and the telescopic zoom worked alright but the rim of the lens body was partially smashed and the lens protector will not close. However, the camera still worked well enough to take pictures during the rest of the walk.
Regaining my breath and checking nothing was broken I noticed that the lens on my camera was now bent at 45 degrees. Fortunately, I managed to straighten it and the telescopic zoom worked alright but the rim of the lens body was partially smashed and the lens protector will not close. However, the camera still worked well enough to take pictures during the rest of the walk.
The Warrie Circuit is the longest walk in the park and takes you past 11 waterfalls. Leaving Canyon Lookout, I continued 300 metres on the right fork to the Rainbow Falls. Walking behind the falls you can see a rainbow through the shimmering water. Continuing along the base of the cliffs to Goomoolahra Falls, I was confronted by the spectacular view of the rainforest valley below and the Meeting of the Waters.
Working my way along the base of the cliffs I past Ngarii-dhum Falls before gradually winding my way down through pristine subtropical rainforest to the Meeting Of The Waters, the spot where several creeks converge. The track then zigzags back up to a ridge passing the triple waterfalls of Poondahra, Poonyahra and Blackfellow Falls. Then, reaching the track junction, I turned and passed under Blackfellow Falls, before climbing back up to the Canyon Lookout and the car-park.
Working my way along the base of the cliffs I past Ngarii-dhum Falls before gradually winding my way down through pristine subtropical rainforest to the Meeting Of The Waters, the spot where several creeks converge. The track then zigzags back up to a ridge passing the triple waterfalls of Poondahra, Poonyahra and Blackfellow Falls. Then, reaching the track junction, I turned and passed under Blackfellow Falls, before climbing back up to the Canyon Lookout and the car-park.