The Norris Files: Mirage 580 Sea Kayak


Mirage 580 Sea Kayak

A while back in this post ( I mentioned that I had settled on a brand of sea kayak and was ready to purchase. However, some unexpected and expensive dental work put a hole in the budget and delayed the purchase until now.

I ended up purchasing the Mirage 580 Kevlar, essentially an expedition sea kayak that is supposedly a versatile, stable boat that tracks well in all conditions from flat water to ocean passages. According to Mirage it is a kayak that can maintain high cruising speeds over an extended period and boasts a track record that includes numerous Bass Strait crossings, extended east and west coast trips and is a popular boat amongst the Hawksberry Classic crowd.

While most of the above mentioned trips are well outside my comfort zone (now or in the future) the Mirage 580 was the only boat that after fours years of searching came the closest to matching what I wanted in a kayak. Time will tell but what I can say is that I’m happy my days of sit on top kayaking are over!

Brief Specifications for Mirage 580

*Length 5.8m/19ft

*Beam 55.5cm/22.5 inches

*Weight (Kevlar)22.5kg/49.0lbs

*Mako fibreglass touring paddle

*Comfort combo backrest and seat

*Carry toggles (bow and stern)

*Electric bilge pump

*Hand bilge pump (spare)

*Deck compass

*Cockpit cover

*Combi spray skirt

*Paddle leash

*Ultra Trek 11 PFD








