The Norris Files: Ortlieb Panniers


Ortlieb Panniers

The Nomad MK2 is not a touring bike without panniers and the best panniers are apparently made by the Germans. So, I have ordered a set of red waterproof Ortlieb rear Bike Packer Plus panniers in addition to a waterproof rack pack which sits crossways on top of the panniers and a handlebar bag with map case..

I tried sourcing these items in Australia but ended up ordering them from America. Even accounting for the exchange rate and shipping I have come out about $500 dollars ahead than if I had bought them in Australia.

For security I added the option of an anti-theft attachment and a pair of detachable waterproof outer pockets for the panniers. I decided not to purchase front panniers for two reason;
firstly I don't want to put extra weight over the Nomads suspension fork which could affect the handling. Secondly, the Ortlieb rear panniers are quiet large and when combined with the top pack-rack will easily carry all the equipment, food, and clothes I need for a few weeks tour.