The Norris Files: Mt Mitchell


Mt Mitchell

Mt Mitchell and Cunninghams Gap from Mt Cordeaux Lookout

The Mt Mitchell track starts on the southern side of the Crest Carpark (Cunninghams Gap) opposite the (now closed) Mt Cordeaux and Bare Rock Track. The track has been closed since January of this year but has recently being reopened and it is now in the best condition that it has been in for sometime. The entire trail has been cleared, sections have been re-benched, drains re-built. and access over the recent, and impressive landslips have been created.

It is a simple return walk of less than three hours, first climbing through rainforest, then eucalyptus forest and masses of grass trees before reentering a small patch of rainforest. Leaving the rainforest behind the track emerges on the northern side of the west peak of Mt Mitchell before climbing to an exposed saddle and along an avenue of ancient grass tress before arriving on a razor back ridge  which offers superb views in all directions. 

 Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Cordeaux, the Main Range and Mt Castle from the Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mitchell Track views to the west

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Summit

Mt Mitchell Track

Mt Mathieson from the Mt Mitchell Track
