The Norris Files: Super V trail at Mt Glorious


Super V trail at Mt Glorious

I took the new bike racks for a spin up to Mt Glorious today to ride the Super V trail. I was a little nervous at first that I was going to see the bike come flying of the roof but they worked fine. I didn't notice any extra wind noise, the only difference was some rattling epecially when on rough sections of road

I got to Mt Glorious around 08:30am and parked the car just of Mt Glorious Rd near the concealed entry to the Super V track. The start of the track is only a couple of hundred metres past the cafe and the exit point from the track is 2km's further up the tarmac. However, in between is 24km of rough dirt track and nightmare hill climbs

You enter the forest through a gate onto Joyners Ridge Rd (dirt road) at around 650m elevation. Within a few metres you are in dense rainforest where it's extremely dark and beatufully cool. Palms and fig trees are everywhere and the bird calls are racous. As if an invisible line is drawn in the dirt I exited the rainforest and started a 7 km descent to the 4 ways where Joyners Ridge Rd meets England Creek Rd. The downhill section is very rough and strewn with branches that make perfect derailuer snappers.

I took it easy and kept a careful eye out for snakes however, I still managed to ride right over the middle of what I thought was a 'branch' but in reality was a snake. My front wheel was nearly on it before I realised what it was so I couldn't avoid it. It must have been a fairly placid snake because as far as I could tell it didn't raise its head at all. I rode on a bit then got of my bike and walked back to see what type of snake it was but it had already slithered of into the bush.

Turning right at the four ways I enjoyed some more descending down to England Creek crossing. Here there is a small camp area on the right just after the concrete crossing over the creek. This is England Creek Crossing and immediately after this there is a huge climb up Northbrook Mt to Lawton Rd. At this stage I was about 150m elevation now. Leaving the camp site you ride for a couple of hundred metres before the trail turns hard left and up. At the start of the climb there are some beehives and the bees took a liking to the smell of my sweat and the sugary water in my backpack. I had to drop the bike and run up the hill a little way with 3 or 4 bees after me. Eventaully I headed back down the hill and picked up the bike and scurried away.

From now on I was climbing for the next 6 km's with little relief up to an elevation of 635m. At this point I was on Northbrook Mt and faced another 5 km's to Mt Glorious Rd which includes both descents and tough climbs. As I began this section there was some nice views to Wivenhoe Lake through the trees.

Entering the rainforest once more it was a tough final climb to the entry gates on Mt Glorious road at about 700m elevation and from there it was a short 2 km cruise on the tarmac back to my start point and the car. All up about 24km's and 800m elevation gained. I did it in just over 4 hours which is disgraceful, but I didn't rush it and took time taking pictures and checking out the view. Next time I go there I will attempt a better averaage speed and time.

From there I drove back to the cafe (which by the way is for sale) had some lunch, checked out the motorbikes parked outside, then headed home as a pretty violent looking storm was heading for Brisbane.