The Norris Files: Barossa Valley Day 6


Barossa Valley Day 6

So first up I should mention that I haven't taken any photos today as the weather has been completely rubbish. This morning was another cloudy, drizzling day so I hung around the van until midday when there was a slight break in the weather. I took a drive out and around some of the towns in the Barossa Valley and drove through many of the well known vineyard plantations. I had decided to have lunch at Maggie Beers cafe and farm in Nuriootpa but when I arrived it was too crowded for my tastes. It started raining heavily again so I headed back to the van with the plan of doing this route again tomorrow if the weather is a little better as some of the scenery was quite special.

On another note the tap water here is foul and boiling it not only makes it taste worse but the smell it lets off when boiling is enough to make me feel light headed (or maybe that's just the gas from cooking in the van)! I think the water in this area might come from underground sources but anyway I've only managed two sips of my coffee over two days. To make matters worse when I went to fill up the vans water tanks I found the cap had been left off. Now the van is parked in a fairy secluded area with nobody close by and I don't remember leaving the cap open. So having thoughts that somebody might have put something nasty in it overnight I gave the tank a good flushing before refilling then, I went straight out and bought four litres of filtered water. No more drinking the van water for me!