The Norris Files: Return to Brisbane Day 15


Return to Brisbane Day 15

After extracting a late checkout from the Hotel at no extra cost I packed up around midday and caught a cab to the airport for an 8 hour wait until my 8pm flight. The flight home was very bumpy with turbulence pretty much the entire trip. Somehow, even though the plane left Adelaide 10 minutes late, it arrived close to a half hour earlier than the scheduled arrival time.

In summary this has been a good trip with some fantastic scenery. While it didn't end up being the Mawson Trail ride that is was intended to be it still had many highlights. In particular the Barossa and Clare Valleys as well as the Flinders Ranges were standouts for me. I barely scratched the surface of what there is to see and do around the Flinders Ranges, so a return trip is on the cards at some point. And camper van touring was not that bad considering this was my first time traveling that way. Not having to unpack my gear and drag it into a hotel every night is a definite advantage, plus, being able to my cook dinner in the van rather than eating out was not only less expensive but perfect for those nights I couldn't be bothered going out. However, a more comfortable permanent bed and a toilet in the van, (shower not as necessary) would make the experience more comfortable, especially for extended trips.