Google+ The Norris Files: Hahndorf to Barossa Valley Day 5


Hahndorf to Barossa Valley Day 5

Overnight it rained heavily and this morning is rather damp and overcast. After a late breakfast I left Hanhdorf with no real plan in mind other than ending up in the Clare Valley. I had to retrace some of my route from yesterday as far as Birdwood before taking the scenic route through Mt Pleasant and Springton.

Outside of Mt Pleasant I followed an unpaved road lined with huge trees providing a canopy overhead while beyond stretched acres of rolling green fields. It was beautiful countryside. From there I continued on through Eden Valley with vineyards becoming more numerous as I approached the Barossa Valley.

Entering the slightly larger town Angaston I was hoping to find a Big W store to buy a portable upright heater as the camper van gets quite cold at night. No such luck but I spotted a hardware store in an old wool shed and thought I would ask them. They told me they had packed away there winter stock yesterday but never the less they led me out the back to a storeroom piled ceiling high with stock. We found the pile of heaters but the ones on top were more than what I wanted to spend, but the bloke said no worries and we dived in up to thigh deep in heaters until at the bottom of the pile we found a heater that was marked on special for 15 bucks. Perfect, and as tonight is quite cold I can say that it is heating the van very nicely.

Heading out of Angaston the scenery was in part stunning mainly due to the views being unhindered by trees or forests for the first time since leaving Adelaide. Rolling hills that had a patchwork quite of dense green unflowering sunflower crops intertwined with bursts of brilliant yellow flowering crops that were contrasted by the dark threatening sky.

Passing through Nuriootpa and arriving at Kapunda I though I had better check my GPS to see how far the Clare Valley was as it was getting close to 5pm. According to the GPS it was still 65kms away and not wanting to travel that far I started looking for a caravan park. I found one on the outskirts of Kapunda, sparsely occupied, with lots of trees. So that's were I spent the night, in a secluded part of the caravan park, I'm actually the only one in this section and the surroundings are quite nice.